“People think they know all these things about other people, and if you ask them why they think they know that, it’d be hard for them to be convincing.” - Elliott Smith

Thursday 18 August 2011

024: Hey guize

I'm procrastinating, as usual. Here's my new Rolling Stones ring. I'm pretty rad. Sorry for the evident sleep deprivation. I'm s-t-ruggling with life.

023: Jay Linton

022: Hello Alia.

All of my finals must be finished within the next couple of weeks, so I've been working really hard for art and neglecting many of my other subjects. Art extended essay is due in tomorrow, and here is a taste of what might be in my exhibition. I'm all over the place, hello disjointed blogging.

I made Alia look deformed, but I can't help feeling this looks like the cover for some rad album. Just sayin'.
Maybe I should be an album artist.

021: I'm a terrible blogger, but IB has taken over my life.

I've been feeling an awful lot like this lately.